True Pilates Zagreb is the only studio in Croatia in which you will be trained strictly by the principles of the Original Pilates Method. Through correct and regular training of the Pilates Method you will increase strenght and flexibility of your body, correct posture, reduce back pain, improve coordination and balance of body and mind and you will elevate the quality of your every day life. You can benefit from the Pilates Method regardless of your fitness level or age – it just works.


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To achieve the highest accomplishments within the scope of our capabilities in all walks of life we must constantly strive to aquire strong, healthy bodies and develop our minds to the limits of our ability.
Joseph Hubertus Pilates

The Pilates Method is a corrective exercising system created by Joseph Hubertus Pilates in the beginning of the last century. The main quality of this method is coordination of the body and mind resulting in optimum control, strength and flexibility.

Ersilia Nikpalj was trained in Drago's Gym in New York as student of legendary Romana Kryzanowska – a protege of Joseph Pilates and inheritor of his work. She is certified Romana's Pilates Instructor since 2002.

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